Utah Olympic Park selected as 2029 IBSF Bobsleigh and Skeleton World Championships host

Park Record Staff

Utah Olympic Park was chosen Wednesday as host for the 2029 IBSF Bobsleigh and Skeleton World Championships — the first-ever International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation World Championship awarded to Utah. 

The election was announced during the 2024 IBSF and FIL Sliding Congress in Lake Placid, New York. Lillehammer (Norway) and St. Moritz (Switzerland) were awarded the 2027 and 2028 World Championships, respectively. 

“We are thrilled to welcome the 2029 IBSF Bobsleigh and Skeleton World Championships to Utah Olympic Park,” Utah Olympic Legacy Foundation COO Calum Clark said. “Utah is a prime destination for world-class events, and this opportunity will greatly benefit Utah as the preferred host of the 2034 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.” 

Utah Olympic Park’s bid included support from USA Bobsled/Skeleton, Utah Sports Commission, Park City’s Chamber of Commerce and the Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games. 

“The 2029 World Championships are an excellent stepping stone for Utah and the anticipated 2034 Olympic Winter Games just five years later,” said SLC-UT 2034 President and CEO Fraser Bullock. “It’s yet another example of our living legacy with modern, proven venues to welcome the best athletes in the world.”

The bid document highlighted Park City’s proud tradition of innovation and excellence in hosting international winter sporting events, recent modernization of both track refrigeration systems and timing systems, and future planned track improvements. Utah Olympic Park’s track has 15 curves and a competition length of 1,335 meters. 

“Hosting the IBSF World Championships in 2029 presents an exceptional opportunity for the United States to showcase its commitment to the sports of bobsleigh and skeleton,” USA Bobsled/Skeleton CEO Aron McGuire said. “This honor offers our Team USA athletes and coaches a chance to compete on a world stage with home track advantages and fans.” 

Utah Olympic Park’s sliding track, built for the 2002 Salt Lake Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, is a frequent host to international bobsled and skeleton competition. Most recently, Utah hosted the IBSF Bobsled and Skeleton World Cup in December 2022. Overall, the Utah Olympic Park has hosted 15 IBSF World Cups, six IBSF North America’s Cups and one IBSF Junior World Championships. 

“Utah is truly the state of sport and a year-round destination for world-class events,” Utah Sports Commission President and CEO Jeff Robbins said. “We look forward to hosting the IBSF athletes and federations in 2029.” 

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