Sale for Michael James Richards Educational Program on Sunday features clothing and vintage home furnishings

Kristin Ensley, owner of The Exchange on Main in Park City, has donated a large amount of fine and fun clothing and vintage home furnishings to Mountain Town Music to benefit the Michael James Richards Memorial Fund.

Established in 2021, the charitable fund was established by Brian Richards, founder of Mountain Town Music, after the unexpected passing of his son, Michael, in 2019.

Brian Richards is an active contributor to the Park City community, making nearly all live music in Park City free to the public.

The fund is designed to provide students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to learn about various segments of the music industry, while fostering team building and general well-being.

The fund enhances, funds and supports the Park City High School music and audio engineering program by completing the curriculum, recruiting students, and securing the educational space within the Eccles Center. It also provides high school students interested in a career within the music industry a pathway to achieve their dreams, Ensley said.

The sale of these donated items is being held on Sunday, June 30, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1439 Woodside Aven. in lower Old Town in Park City.

“I would encourage our local residents to come out and show support for a cause generated by a gentleman who has given so much to our community. This benefits our high school students and keeps the memory of Michael alive.” said Ensley.

About Michael Richards: Michael was immersed in live music from early childhood. He was the “utility infielder” for Mountain Town Music, working in everything from the office to the merch booth. Learning how to run the soundboard at an early age, he soon became a critical team member and key player in making sure “that the show went on.” Michael’s unexpected passing in 2019 at a Mountain Town Music event left a gap in the community and Park City’s live music culture that will never be refilled, Ensley said.

About Mountain Town Music: Existing to produce, foster, and support live music that enhances the quality of life for Park City and Summit County residents and visitors, programming over 250 live events per year. The company produces outreach programs for students and provides grassroots networking platforms for local musicians and live music entities.

About The Exchange on Main: Owned and operated by Ensley, the Exchange Consignment is a local retail favorite specializing in vintage clothing, accessories, costumes and Burning Man wearables and furnishings. 605 Main St., Park City.

For further information contact Kaitlin McHugh, The Exchange Consignment at 302-245-5354.

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