Bene Essè Wellness Center employs Harmonic Egg therapy

Aimee L. Cook
For The Park Record
Sisters Kadi Gilbert, a registered nurse, and Jenny Bode had wanted to start a wellness center for many years.
Bene Essè Wellness Center

The Bene Essè Wellness Center in Park City — meaning “well-being” in Latin — has introduced the Harmonic Egg to the mountain town.

The egg is a therapeutic device that harmoniously blends ancient healing principles with cutting-edge technology, promising to empower, heal and balance individuals seeking a holistic approach to wellness, according to the center’s founders.

Started by siblings Kadi Gilbert, a registered nurse, and Jenny Bode, this wellness approach is customized for each client. Each session aims to leverage frequency medicine modalities to restore and maintain optimal bodily function.

“We offer the first Harmonic Egg therapy chambers in Utah,” Gilbert said. “They combine the most powerful forms of frequency or energy medicine into an immersive experience to stimulate healing, energy balancing and overall wellness. It is pretty remarkable what the chambers can do.”

The Harmonic Egg offers a combination of light, color, sound, musical chords and sacred geometry. Each element of the Harmonic Egg carries specific frequencies that work in concert to enhance energy flow and address imbalances, according to Gilbert.

The chambers use light, color, sound, musical instruments and cords while the client sits in a zero-gravity recliner inside.

“When a person enters the chamber, they are actually being flooded with healing energies that are specific to them individually,” Gilbert said. “They foster cellular healing and DNA repair. They do a lot. The principles of energy medicine have been proven.”

The Harmonic Egg promotes healing and balancing and helps to reset the autonomic nervous system, she said. The therapy is designed to help individuals reconnect with their inner selves, facilitating a deeper state of relaxation and well-being. By addressing both physical and energetic imbalances, it stimulates holistic health.

“It’s been an amazing journey. My sister and I have dreamed of having a wellness center for well over 25 years, and life events have prevented this,” said Kadi. “Chasing our dream at this stage in our lives just shows that it’s never too late for people to pursue their dreams! We hope helping to restore hope, wellness and well-being to other people will give them  the strength and health to pursue their own dreams.”

For more information on the Harmonic Egg or to schedule a session, visit Bene Essè Wellness Center’s website:

The Harmonic Egg is designed to help individuals reconnect with their inner selves, facilitating a deeper state of relaxation and well-being, according to the Bene Essè Wellness Center in Park City.
Bene Essè Wellness Center

Bene Essè Wellness Center employs Harmonic Egg therapy

This is a state-of-the-art therapeutic device which harmoniously blends ancient healing principles with cutting-edge technology, promising to empower, heal and balance individuals seeking a holistic approach to wellness.

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